Saturday, February 13, 2010

In response to Elizabeth V's question

Do you think the trend of advertising within tv shows rather then commercials will become more popular as people are watching less commercials?

I definitely think that advertising within tv shows is happening a lot more then it used to. But commercials are still a big hit for most companies that want to promote their product. I know that DVR and Tivo are becoming more and more popular but a lot of people still don't have the option of recording shows and skipping commercials. I know that when I watch tv and a commercial comes on, unless its a really neat one that grabs my attention, I just tune them out and dont pay any attention. With that I will agree that more and more shows are advertising within the show or you see the characters with the product that is being promoted, also called product placement. It could be a beer that that company wants to promote so they have the characters drinking it or a soda like coke or pepsi they want seen. Some people might think that if these characters on this show are drinking that or eating that, then I want to drink and eat that as well.

I'm just wondering if you feel like commercials are slowly going to fade out or if there are going to be more and more on top of advertising within the programs? What about movie theatures?

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